Many people don’t have the funds to pay cash to buy a car, so a car loan is essential. Plus, it lets you spread out payments evenly over the life of the loan, which can last several years. Since most car loans are secured by the car itself, you can enjoy lower interest rates relative to unsecured loans. Plus, you can find out whether you’re approved for a car loan in minutes, in most cases.
However, car loans do have some drawbacks. Perhaps the largest is that cars generally depreciate in value once you buy them, especially if you buy new. You could be upside down on your auto loan while you still owe on it (meaning the car is worth less than what you owe). This can make selling the car difficult or impossible. And if you can’t make payments, your car could be repossessed by the lender. One exception is if you use an unsecured personal loan to buy a car, in which case, the lender can’t take your car if you miss payments.