The right loan for your clients, quickly and safely
Your clients can compare top lenders

How does Credible work with Financial Advisors?
Set your loan recommendation to autopilot
Whatever their loan needs, you can feel confident sending your clients to Credible when its time to check their rates. Doing so via Credible won’t affect their credit score, subject them to spammy follow up, nor lock them into anything moving forward. It’s easy, fast, and commitment-free.
Are your clients ready to buy a new home?
Are they confused on how best to repay or refinance their student loans?
Are they ready to take advantage of lower interest rates and refinance their home?

Your clients will thank you!
In addition to providing a free loan comparison tool to your clients, Credible partner clients also get access to special welcome bonuses if they choose to move forward with a given loan product.
Reach out to Credible to learn more about partnership.