With a personal loan, you can use the funds for almost anything, from paying off high-interest debt to funding a large purchase. But your loan agreement may prohibit you from using the money for certain expenses, like college tuition or gambling.
You may also face restrictions from lenders if you try to use personal loan funds as a down payment on a mortgage. There are alternative financing options for these restricted purposes, however.
College tuition
Most personal loan lenders restrict borrowers from using personal loan funds for post-secondary education expenses. Lenders that allow loan funds for college expenses are typically required to comply with the requirements of the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act, which many lenders view as burdensome.
For example, private education lenders must provide certain disclosures, allow a rumination period, and give borrowers the right to cancel their loan agreement within three days of fund distribution. Most lenders prefer to avoid the regulations, so they won't issue loans to borrowers who intend to use the funds to pay for post-secondary education.
Alternative option: The good news is, grants, scholarships, and work study arrangements can be used to fund college expenses without borrowing. And if you still need a loan, both federal student loans and private student loans come with lower average interest rates than personal loans. Parent PLUS loans are another option for some families.
Business expenses
Some lenders allow you to use a personal loan to start or grow your business, while others explicitly prohibit using personal loans for business expenses. However, even if you can qualify for a personal loan at a low rate and the lender allows you to use the loan, there are risks to going this route. If your business idea fails and you can't afford repayment, you'll damage your personal credit score.
Alternative option: Consider looking into whether you qualify for a Small Business Administration loan instead. You'll enjoy lower rates and higher borrowing amounts, and you can deduct the interest you pay on your tax return. But if your business is new or you can't qualify for a business loan for other reasons, consider lenders that offer personal loans for business use.
You may also apply for a business credit card with a 0% introductory APR offer to cover minor expenses.
Making a down payment on a home
Most conventional and government-backed mortgage lenders don't allow you to use personal loan funds as a down payment on a mortgage, even if it's allowed in the terms of your personal loan agreement.
While it's possible to find a mortgage lender willing to issue a home loan with a borrowed down payment, the outstanding personal loan will increase your debt-to-income ratio. It will also potentially lower your credit score, at least initially. That could mean you'll pay a higher mortgage rate.
Alternative option: Saving enough for a down payment can seem overwhelming, but it's possible to get a first-time conventional mortgage with as little as 3% down. And if you deposit your savings into a high-yield savings account, you'll grow your money faster and be ready for homeownership sooner than if you used a traditional bank account.
Learn More: Can You Use a Personal Loan for a Down Payment?
Gambling or illegal purchases
Most personal loan lenders restrict you from using the money to gamble or engage in illegal activity, like buying narcotics. And you'll need to be honest on your application about how you plan to use the money.
Lying on a loan application violates the law and could be considered bank fraud which is punishable by a prison sentence up to 30 years and/or a maximum fine of $1,000,000. If you use the money to commit illegal acts, you'll also be subject to the criminal repercussions for those crimes.
Lender-specific restrictions
As noted, the general rule of thumb is that you can't use your loan for college tuition, business expenses, a down payment for a home, gambling, or illegal activities. However, lenders may have specific restrictions that go further. Here's a look at some prohibited loan uses from seven prominent lenders. Refer to the lender's website or customer service agent to verify all prohibited uses.
- Postsecondary education expenses
- Business expenses
- Debt consolidation for credit cards issued by Citibank or its affiliates, or Checking Plus and Ready Credit accounts
- Postsecondary education
- Real estate
- Business purposes
- Investments
- Purchases of securities
- Short-term bridge financing
- College or postsecondary educational expenses
- Refinancing student loans
- Business purposes
- Cash-out refinancing
- Refinancing an existing LightStream loan
- Purchasing bonds, stocks, or stock options or paying back a loan against a stock option
- Purchasing cryptocurrency
- Contributing to a retirement, life insurance, or education savings plan
OneMain Financial
- Postsecondary education expenses
- Business or commercial purposes
- Purchasing cryptocurrency
- Purchasing speculative investments such as securities and derivatives
- Gambling
- Illegal activity
- Postsecondary education
- Investing
- Cryptocurrency
- Illegal activity
- Postsecondary education
- Postsecondary education expenses
- Investing
- Illegal activity
What you can use a personal loan for
Personal loans can be used for virtually any other purpose not mentioned above. Some common ways to use personal loan funds include:
- Consolidating high-interest debt
- Paying for medical or veterinary expenses
- Covering an auto or home repair
- Making a large and necessary purchase
- Paying for moving expenses
- Planning a wedding or vacation
Though personal loans can be used for almost anything, you should only borrow what you need and what you can afford to repay over time. For example, it's not a good idea to take out a personal loan to shop a big sale at your favorite department store. In most cases, budgeting and saving for what you need is a better option than borrowing.
How to apply for a personal loan
What are the consequences of misusing a personal loan?
Where can I get a personal loan?